Digital Communications by C. Palanisamy

C. Palanisamy, "Digital Communication"
Publisher: InTech | ISBN: 9789535102151, 9535102151 | 2012 | PDF | 208 pages | 11.8 MB

All marketing is digital and everyone should have a digital strategy. Everything is going mobile. "The world has never been more social" is the recent talk in the community. Digital Communication is the key enabler of that. Digital information tends to be far more resistant to transmit and interpret errors than information symbolized in an analog medium. This accounts for the clarity of digitally-encoded telephone connections, compact audio disks, and much of the enthusiasm in the engineering community for digital communications technology. A contemporary and comprehensive coverage of the field of digital communication, this book explores modern digital communication techniques. The purpose of this book is to extend and update the knowledge of the reader in the dynamically changing field of digital communication.

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