Cryptography and Network Security : Principles and Practice 5 Edition-William Stallings

Buy Cryptography and Network Security : Principles and Practice 5 Edition: Book
The world is interconnected in many different ways as never before, and global communication networks and the world wide web have shrunk the world so that no part of it is too remote to remain unaffected by this communication explosion.

Technology has brought up many benefits, bringing communication infrastructure and facilities to every part of the world. If information is empowerment, then anybody who cares to spend some time on a computer is now a privileged citizen of the world. But, like everything else, technology brings with it some major problems, and the most discussed one is security. Not all data is meant to be shared with everyone, and keeping information private and secure is a challenge. Hacking, virus, and other malware and many other threats to information security need to be dealt with everyday, every minute.

This book introduces its readers to these concepts and the book has been divided into two parts. The first part provides an introduction the the subjects of network security and cryptography. It also explains the features and capabilities of these technologies. The second part takes a look at the various implementations of these technologies, and runs a survey of the technologies at work in the real world.

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